My breathing exercise

Feb 19, 2021
I found that taking long, extended breaths has helped me a lot when I get anxious or stressed out. I take a deep breath, and countdown to 10 or so, and then I inhale and hold my breath for another 10 seconds. I repeat this process until I relax, and it has helped me a lot.
May 8, 2021
Thanks Annie, nice intuitive technique. There's a similar one called box breathing- basically count lets say to 6 while breathing in, hold the breath in to the count of six, exhale as you count to six and hold the breath (lungs empty) to the count of six for as many cycles as you want. The important thing here is to keep the heart rate nice and relaxed so if that means counting less that's totally fine.


Jul 23, 2019
I found that taking long, extended breaths has helped me a lot when I get anxious or stressed out. I take a deep breath, and countdown to 10 or so, and then I inhale and hold my breath for another 10 seconds. I repeat this process until I relax, and it has helped me a lot.

Thank you for sharing this!
it's a cool method. This allows you to quickly see that breathing exercises work, so that you can easily continue with them.
Try this method: keep your right nostril closed. inhale through your left nostril 7 seconds . hold your breath 5 seconds, blow out through your right nostril in 7 seconds . Wait 5 seconds and then inhale from your right nostril and exhale from your left and so on.
You will love it
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