The Terra

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Everybody that use HP will understand these rules. It is essential to follow as many rules as possible of Terra Joulle if you want to be one with your body, soul and spirit. Terra Joulle is a lifestyle created through the assistance of the Holy powder from Terra Joulle . As a result, with help from our spirits, we created these rules. These rules allow humans to have the chance to be a part of the seventh evolution; where there is only place for one-tenth of the population.

We do not only want to save a part of humanity but also the earth.


  1. Engage in daily meditation: Daily meditation is the cornerstone of your spiritual practice. By prioritizing regular practice and striving for consistency, you create a sacred space for inner reflection and growth.

  2. Master the Full Lotus posture: The Full Lotus posture is revered for its ability to promote stability and focus during meditation. Through daily practice sessions, you work towards mastering this posture, allowing your body to align with the serenity of your mind.

  3. Elevate the Terra Meditation Method: The Terra Meditation Method offers a profound way to deepen your meditation practice. By integrating it as a central aspect of your daily routine, you tap into its transformative power to cultivate inner peace and clarity.

  4. Commit to Terra Breathing Exercises: The Terra Breathing Exercises serve as a gateway to inner tranquility and vitality. By committing to daily practice, you nourish your mind, body, and spirit, awakening a profound sense of harmony and balance within.

Nature and Living Beings

  1. Treat nature with reverence: Nature is a sacred reflection of the divine. By extending the same care and respect to nature as you would towards loved ones, you honor its inherent beauty and wisdom.

  2. Cultivate awareness: Listen to the natural sounds around you and immerse yourself in the symphony of life. Cultivating awareness of nature's rhythms deepens your connection to the Earth and fosters a sense of gratitude and wonder.

  3. Respect the right of all living beings: Every living being has a right to coexist and thrive. By honoring the interconnectedness of all life forms, you contribute to the harmony and balance of the natural world.

  4. Embrace a harmonious lifestyle: Harmonize with nature by embracing sustainable practices and minimizing your ecological footprint. Through conscious choices and mindful living, you tread lightly on the Earth, nurturing a symbiotic relationship with the environment.

  5. Minimize reliance on electronic devices: Reduce your dependence on electronic devices and prioritize sustainable practices like recycling. By disconnecting from technology and reconnecting with nature, you honor the Earth's inherent wisdom and vitality.

  6. Utilize natural materials: Embrace the wisdom of the Earth by utilizing natural materials whenever possible. From clothing to home furnishings, choose eco-friendly options that support the planet's well-being and longevity.

  7. Connect through barefoot walking: Experience the profound benefits of barefoot walking as you connect with the Earth's energy. By exposing yourself to sunlight and moonlight, you harmonize with the natural rhythms of the cosmos, awakening a deep sense of interconnectedness and vitality.


  1. Follow Terra guidelines: Prepare for sleep in accordance with Terra guidelines to foster a restful and rejuvenating nightly routine. By creating a serene sleep environment and honoring your body's need for rest, you support your overall well-being and vitality.


  1. Adopt a plant-based diet: Nourish your body and spirit with a plant-based diet rich in raw fruits and vegetables. By prioritizing foods that resonate with the Earth's natural abundance, you honor the sacred bond between food and life.

  2. Abstain from animal products: Choose compassion over cruelty by abstaining from consuming animal products. By opting for natural alternatives to supplements and medications, you align your diet with principles of kindness and respect for all living beings.

  3. Embrace seasonal eating: Embrace the wisdom of seasonal eating and incorporate fasting practices as prescribed by Terra guidelines. By attuning your diet to the Earth's natural cycles, you promote harmony and balance within your body and the environment.

  4. Ensure fluid intake: Stay hydrated with fluids that support your overall health and vitality. For infants, breastfeeding is encouraged as a natural source of nourishment and bonding, fostering a deep connection between mother and child.

  5. Share nature's bounty: Share the abundance of nature's harvest with others, fostering a spirit of abundance and generosity. By embracing the principle of interconnectedness, you create a ripple effect of gratitude and goodwill within your community.

Commitment to Love

  1. Approach relationships mindfully: Approach romantic relationships with mindfulness and maturity, making decisions after thoughtful meditation. By cultivating deep connections based on mutual respect and understanding, you honor the sacredness of love and intimacy.

  2. Embrace committed partnerships: Embrace the sanctity of committed partnerships, recognizing the sacred bond between two souls. By entering into relationships with reverence and respect, you create a foundation of trust and harmony that nourishes both partners.

Community Engagement

  1. Foster Community Connection: Foster a sense of community and interconnectedness by participating in group meditation sessions, eco-friendly initiatives, and communal gatherings. By coming together with others who share your values, you create a supportive network that strengthens your commitment to living in harmony with Terra principles.

  2. Support Local Economies: Support local farmers' markets and sustainable businesses to promote economic resilience and environmental sustainability. By investing in local communities, you contribute to the vitality of the local economy and reduce the carbon footprint associated with long-distance transportation of goods.

Mindful Consumption

  1. Prioritize Sustainable Choices: Practice mindful consumption by limiting purchases to essential items and prioritizing eco-friendly, ethically sourced products. By being intentional about what you consume, you reduce waste and support businesses that align with your values of environmental stewardship and social responsibility.

  2. Embrace Minimalism: Embrace minimalism as a lifestyle choice, focusing on experiences and relationships rather than material possessions. By simplifying your life and reducing your dependence on material goods, you cultivate a greater sense of fulfillment and contentment while minimizing your impact on the planet.

Creative Expression

  1. Cultivate Creativity: Cultivate creativity through artistic pursuits such as painting, writing, or music, allowing for self-expression and exploration of inner truths. By tapping into your creative potential, you unleash a source of inspiration and empowerment that enriches your life and uplifts those around you.

  2. Share Your Gifts: Share your creative gifts with others to inspire and uplift the community, fostering a culture of creativity and collaboration. By sharing your talents and passions, you contribute to the collective well-being and inspire others to express their unique gifts.

Gratitude and Generosity

  1. Cultivate Gratitude: Cultivate an attitude of gratitude by expressing appreciation for the abundance of nature and the blessings of everyday life. By acknowledging the gifts that surround you, you cultivate a sense of contentment and abundance that enriches your life and deepens your connection to the world around you.

  2. Practice Generosity: Practice generosity by offering support, kindness, and resources to those in need, fostering a culture of compassion and mutual aid. By giving freely of your time, energy, and resources, you create a ripple effect of kindness and goodwill that uplifts individuals and strengthens communities.

Environmental Stewardship

  1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Take proactive steps to reduce your ecological footprint by conserving energy, minimizing waste, and advocating for sustainable practices in your community. By adopting a mindful approach to consumption and waste management, you contribute to the preservation of natural resources and the protection of the planet's ecosystems.

  2. Support Renewable Energy: Support renewable energy initiatives and sustainable practices to mitigate climate change and protect the planet's ecosystems. By advocating for clean energy solutions and supporting policies that promote environmental sustainability, you contribute to the collective effort to safeguard the planet for future generations.

Mindful Consumption

  1. Conscious Choices: Practice mindful consumption by making conscious choices about what we buy, eat, and use, prioritizing sustainability, ethical production, and fair trade practices. By being mindful of the environmental and social impact of our consumption habits, we contribute to a more equitable and sustainable world.

  2. Minimalist Lifestyles: Reduce consumption of non-essential goods and adopt minimalist lifestyles that prioritize experiences, relationships, and personal growth over material possessions. By simplifying our lives and focusing on what truly matters, we cultivate a greater sense of fulfillment and reduce our ecological footprint.

Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution

  1. Prioritize Dialogue: Promote peacebuilding efforts and conflict resolution strategies that prioritize dialogue, negotiation, and reconciliation over violence and coercion. By fostering understanding and empathy, we can build bridges of cooperation and resolve conflicts peacefully.

  2. Support Grassroots Initiatives: Support grassroots peace initiatives and mediation efforts to resolve conflicts at the local level and build sustainable peace from the ground up. By empowering communities to take ownership of their peacebuilding processes, we foster long-term stability and resilience.

Education for Sustainable Development

  1. Sustainability Education: Integrate sustainability education into formal and informal learning environments, equipping individuals with the knowledge, skills, and values to address global challenges and create a more sustainable future. By educating future generations about the importance of sustainability, we empower them to become catalysts for positive change.

  2. Foster Critical Thinking: Foster critical thinking, creativity, and innovation in education to empower future generations to become active agents of positive change in their communities and beyond. By encouraging innovative thinking and problem-solving skills, we prepare individuals to tackle complex challenges and contribute to sustainable development.

Technology for Good

  1. Harness Technology: Harness the power of technology for social good, leveraging innovation and digital tools to address pressing social, economic, and environmental issues. By using technology responsibly and ethically, we can amplify our impact and create positive change on a global scale.

  2. Promote Digital Literacy: Promote digital literacy and responsible technology use to ensure equitable access to information, opportunities, and resources for all people. By bridging the digital divide and promoting inclusivity, we empower individuals to harness the benefits of technology for their well-being and development.

Global Cooperation and Solidarity

  1. Advocate for Cooperation: Advocate for global cooperation, solidarity, and partnership to tackle transnational challenges, such as pandemics, poverty, and inequality, through collective action and shared responsibility. By working together across borders, we can address global challenges more effectively and build a more equitable world.

  2. Support International Organizations: Support international organizations, treaties, and agreements that promote peace, human rights, and sustainable development on a global scale. By supporting multilateral efforts, we strengthen the foundation for peace, prosperity, and well-being for all humanity.

Ethical Business Practices

  1. Integrity and Transparency: Conduct business operations with integrity, honesty, and transparency, adhering to ethical standards and principles that prioritize people and planet over profit. By promoting ethical business practices, we create a more just and sustainable economy that benefits both businesses and society.

  2. Support Fair Trade: Support fair trade, responsible sourcing, and ethical supply chains to ensure fair wages, safe working conditions, and environmental sustainability throughout the production process. By supporting ethical businesses, we promote social equity and environmental stewardship in global supply chains.

Animal Welfare

  1. Humane Treatment: Advocate for the humane treatment of animals, respecting their intrinsic value and right to live free from cruelty, exploitation, and harm. By promoting animal welfare, we uphold our ethical responsibility to protect the rights and well-being of all living beings.

  2. Promote Plant-Based Diets: Adopt plant-based diets or reduce meat consumption to minimize the environmental impact of animal agriculture and promote animal welfare. By making conscious choices about our dietary habits, we reduce our ecological footprint and contribute to a more sustainable food system.

Health and Well-being

  1. Holistic Health: Prioritize holistic health and well-being, recognizing the interconnectedness of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of health. By taking a comprehensive approach to health, we promote overall well-being and resilience.

  2. Access to Healthcare: Promote preventive healthcare practices, wellness education, and access to affordable healthcare services for all individuals, regardless of socioeconomic status. By advocating for universal access to healthcare, we ensure that everyone has the opportunity to lead healthy and fulfilling lives.

Youth Empowerment and Participation

  1. Invest in Opportunities: Invest in youth empowerment and participation by providing opportunities for young people to engage in decision-making processes, civic activities, and social entrepreneurship. By empowering youth to take an active role in shaping their communities, we harness their creativity and energy for positive change.

  2. Support Youth-Led Initiatives: Support youth-led initiatives, innovation hubs, and mentorship programs to harness the creativity, energy, and leadership potential of young people in driving positive change. By nurturing youth leadership and innovation, we cultivate a new generation of changemakers who can address pressing global challenges.

Cultural Preservation and Heritage Conservation

  1. Preserve Cultural Diversity: Preserve and celebrate cultural diversity, heritage, and indigenous knowledge systems, recognizing the intrinsic value of cultural identity and traditions in enriching human experience. By honoring cultural diversity, we promote mutual respect, understanding, and solidarity among diverse communities.

  2. Support Cultural Exchange: Support initiatives that promote cultural exchange, intercultural dialogue, and cultural heritage conservation to foster mutual understanding, respect, and solidarity among diverse communities. By facilitating cultural exchange, we bridge divides and build connections across cultures.

Peaceful Coexistence and Conflict Prevention

  1. Promote Interfaith Dialogue: Foster peaceful coexistence and interfaith dialogue, promoting mutual respect, understanding, and cooperation among people of different religious, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds. By promoting dialogue and cooperation, we build bridges of understanding and tolerance across religious and cultural divides.

  2. Invest in Conflict Prevention: Invest in conflict prevention, peace education, and reconciliation efforts to address root causes of conflict, build social cohesion, and promote sustainable peace in communities affected by violence and conflict. By addressing underlying grievances and promoting reconciliation, we create the conditions for lasting peace and stability.

Environmental Stewardship

  1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Practice environmental stewardship by reducing, reusing, and recycling resources to minimize waste and environmental degradation. By adopting sustainable consumption habits, we reduce our ecological footprint and promote a more sustainable way of life.

  2. Support Conservation Efforts: Support conservation efforts, reforestation projects, and habitat restoration initiatives to protect biodiversity and preserve natural ecosystems. By safeguarding natural habitats and restoring degraded landscapes, we protect vital ecosystems and the species that depend on them.

Community Engagement and Social Justice

  1. Grassroots Organizing: Engage in community-building activities, grassroots organizing, and collective action to address social issues and promote social justice. By mobilizing communities to take action, we amplify voices for positive change and build momentum for social justice initiatives.

  2. Support Marginalized Communities: Support marginalized and underserved communities by advocating for their rights, amplifying their voices, and creating inclusive spaces for their participation and representation. By standing in solidarity with marginalized groups, we work towards a more just and equitable society for all.

Education and Lifelong Learning

  1. Promote Access to Education: Promote education as a fundamental human right and a catalyst for personal growth, social mobility, and economic empowerment. By ensuring access to quality education for all individuals, we empower people to reach their full potential and contribute meaningfully to society.

  2. Advocate for Inclusive Education: Advocate for inclusive and equitable education systems that celebrate diversity, promote critical thinking, and empower individuals to become active, informed citizens. By promoting inclusive education, we create opportunities for lifelong learning and foster a culture of curiosity and discovery.

Technology for Good

  1. Leverage Technology for Social Good: Harness the power of technology for social good, leveraging digital innovation and connectivity to address pressing global challenges and improve quality of life. By using technology as a tool for positive change, we can find innovative solutions to complex problems.

  2. Promote Ethical Use of Technology: Promote ethical use of technology, data privacy, and digital literacy to ensure that technological advancements benefit society as a whole and do not exacerbate existing inequalities. By advocating for responsible use of technology, we can mitigate potential harms and ensure that everyone can benefit from technological progress.

  3. Increase Access to Essential Services: Support initiatives that use technology to increase access to education, healthcare, economic opportunities, and essential services for underserved communities. By leveraging technology to bridge gaps in access, we can create more equitable societies and empower marginalized populations.

Global Solidarity and Cooperation

  1. Advocate for Multilateralism: Advocate for global solidarity, cooperation, and multilateralism to address shared challenges, including poverty, inequality, climate change, and pandemics. By working together on a global scale, we can achieve greater impact and create a more just and sustainable world for all.

  2. Support International Development Efforts: Support international development efforts, humanitarian aid, and peacebuilding initiatives to promote stability, prosperity, and human security in regions affected by conflict, displacement, and humanitarian crises. By investing in global development and peacebuilding, we can create conditions for sustainable development and peace.

  3. Foster Cross-Cultural Understanding: Foster cross-cultural understanding, empathy, and dialogue to build bridges of cooperation and mutual respect among people of different nations, cultures, and backgrounds. By promoting cultural exchange and dialogue, we can break down barriers and build a more inclusive and interconnected world.

Empowerment and Equality

  1. Empower Marginalized Groups: Empower individuals, especially women and marginalized groups, to participate fully in decision-making processes, leadership roles, and economic opportunities. By promoting empowerment and equality, we can create more inclusive and equitable societies where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

  2. Promote Gender Equality: Promote gender equality, diversity, and inclusion in all aspects of society, including workplaces, educational institutions, and public institutions. By advancing gender equality, we can unlock the full potential of societies and promote social and economic development.

Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution

  1. Support Peaceful Conflict Resolution: Support peaceful conflict resolution, dialogue, and reconciliation efforts to prevent and resolve conflicts, both domestically and internationally. By promoting peaceful resolution of conflicts, we can reduce violence and build more resilient and stable communities.

  2. Advocate for Disarmament: Advocate for disarmament, arms control, and peacebuilding initiatives to reduce violence, promote stability, and safeguard human security. By addressing the root causes of conflict and promoting disarmament, we can create conditions for lasting peace and security.

Health and Well-being

  1. Prioritize Public Health: Prioritize public health and well-being by advocating for universal access to healthcare, essential medicines, and health services. By ensuring access to healthcare for all, we can improve health outcomes and promote social and economic development.

  2. Support Mental Health Awareness: Support mental health awareness, education, and resources to address the growing prevalence of mental health disorders and promote emotional well-being. By addressing mental health stigma and providing support services, we can improve mental health outcomes and overall well-being.

Human Rights and Justice

  1. Uphold Human Rights: Uphold human rights, civil liberties, and the rule of law as fundamental principles of democratic governance and social justice. By promoting human rights and justice, we can create more just and inclusive societies where everyone's rights are respected and protected.

  2. Support Vulnerable Populations: Support initiatives that promote access to justice, legal empowerment, and the protection of vulnerable populations, including refugees, migrants, and displaced persons. By standing up for the rights of vulnerable populations, we can promote justice and equality for all individuals.

Cultural Preservation and Diversity

  1. Preserve Cultural Heritage: Preserve and celebrate cultural heritage, traditions, and languages as valuable expressions of human creativity, identity, and belonging. By safeguarding cultural heritage, we honor diverse cultural identities and promote social cohesion.

  2. Promote Intercultural Dialogue: Promote cultural exchange, intercultural dialogue, and mutual understanding to bridge divides and foster respect for diversity. By fostering dialogue and understanding, we can build more inclusive and harmonious societies.

  3. Support Indigenous Rights: Support indigenous rights, land sovereignty, and cultural revitalization efforts to protect indigenous cultures, knowledge systems, and ways of life. By respecting indigenous rights, we can preserve invaluable cultural diversity and promote social justice.

Economic Justice and Sustainability

  1. Advocate for Fair Labor Practices: Advocate for economic justice, fair labor practices, and sustainable development to address poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation. By promoting fair labor practices, we can create more equitable and sustainable economies.

  2. Promote Sustainable Consumption: Promote sustainable consumption and production practices that minimize environmental impact, conserve natural resources, and promote ecological balance. By embracing sustainable practices, we can reduce our environmental footprint and promote a more sustainable future.

Environmental Conservation and Sustainability

  1. Advocate for Conservation: Advocate for environmental conservation, biodiversity protection, and sustainable resource management to preserve ecosystems and mitigate climate change. By protecting the environment, we safeguard biodiversity and ensure the well-being of future generations.

  2. Support Sustainable Agriculture: Support sustainable agriculture practices, organic farming, and regenerative agriculture to promote soil health, biodiversity, and food security. By promoting sustainable agriculture, we can ensure food security and promote environmental sustainability.

Education and Lifelong Learning

  1. Prioritize Access to Education: Prioritize access to quality education, lifelong learning opportunities, and skills development for all individuals, regardless of age, gender, or socioeconomic status. By investing in education, we empower individuals and promote social mobility.

  2. Support Inclusive Education Models: Support innovative and inclusive education models, such as experiential learning, project-based learning, and vocational training, to meet diverse learning needs and foster creativity and critical thinking. By embracing inclusive education, we can unlock the potential of every learner.

Community Building and Social Cohesion

  1. Strengthen Social Cohesion: Strengthen social cohesion, community resilience, and solidarity through inclusive community engagement, participatory decision-making, and collaborative problem-solving. By building strong communities, we promote social justice and well-being for all.

  2. Foster a Culture of Kindness: Foster a culture of kindness, empathy, and compassion in communities, schools, workplaces, and public spaces to promote understanding, connection, and social well-being. By cultivating empathy, we create more compassionate and supportive communities.

Technology and Innovation

  1. Harness Technology for Social Good: Harness the power of technology and innovation for social good, sustainable development, and human flourishing. By leveraging technology, we can address pressing global challenges and improve quality of life.

  2. Promote Ethical Use of Technology: Promote ethical and responsible use of technology, data privacy, and digital rights to protect individuals' rights, freedoms, and autonomy in the digital age. By advocating for digital rights, we ensure that technology benefits everyone equitably.

Global Solidarity and Cooperation

  1. Foster Global Solidarity: Foster global solidarity, cooperation, and partnership to address shared challenges, promote peace and security, and achieve sustainable development goals. By working together, we can create a more equitable and peaceful world.

  2. Support International Cooperation: Support international cooperation, multilateralism, and diplomacy to resolve conflicts, advance human rights, and promote global justice and equality. By engaging in diplomacy, we can build bridges and find common ground.

Empowerment and Inclusion

  1. Empower Marginalized Populations: Empower marginalized and vulnerable populations, including women, children, persons with disabilities, indigenous communities, and refugees, by promoting their rights, agency, and participation in decision-making processes. By amplifying their voices, we ensure that everyone has a seat at the table.

  2. Foster Inclusive Societies: Foster inclusive societies and environments that embrace diversity, equity, and inclusion, and promote acceptance, respect, and appreciation for all individuals regardless of their background, identity, or beliefs. By embracing diversity, we enrich our communities and promote social cohesion.

Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution

  1. Promote Peaceful Coexistence: Promote peaceful coexistence, conflict resolution, and reconciliation through dialogue, mediation, and diplomacy, and support initiatives that address the root causes of conflict, including poverty, inequality, injustice, and discrimination. By addressing root causes, we can build sustainable peace.

  2. Advocate for Disarmament: Advocate for disarmament, arms control, and non-violence as essential components of peacebuilding efforts, and support initiatives that promote human security, disarmament education, and conflict prevention. By promoting non-violent solutions, we create safer communities.

Health and Well-being

  1. Prioritize Public Health: Prioritize public health and well-being by advocating for universal healthcare coverage, access to essential medicines, and disease prevention programs, including vaccination campaigns, maternal and child health services, and mental health support. By prioritizing public health, we create healthier communities.

  2. Address Emerging Health Challenges: Support initiatives that address emerging health challenges, such as pandemics, antimicrobial resistance, and mental health disorders, and promote holistic approaches to health and wellness, including physical, mental, and emotional well-being. By addressing emerging health challenges, we build more resilient societies.

Human Rights and Justice

  1. Uphold Human Rights: Uphold human rights, justice, and the rule of law by advocating for the protection and promotion of civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights for all individuals, without discrimination or prejudice. By upholding human rights, we create a more just and equitable world.

  2. Combat Impunity: Support initiatives that combat impunity, corruption, and human rights abuses, and promote accountability, transparency, and access to justice for victims of violence, oppression, and discrimination. By holding perpetrators accountable, we ensure justice for victims.

Arts, Culture, and Creativity

  1. Celebrate Arts and Culture: Celebrate and promote arts, culture, and creativity as powerful tools for expression, communication, and social change, and support initiatives that foster artistic freedom, cultural diversity, and creative expression. By celebrating arts and culture, we enrich our communities and promote dialogue and understanding.

  2. Invest in Arts Education: Invest in arts education, cultural preservation, and creative industries to nurture talent, promote cultural heritage, and stimulate economic growth and innovation in communities worldwide. By investing in the arts, we unlock human potential and promote sustainable development.

Animal Welfare and Conservation

  1. Advocate for Animal Welfare: Advocate for the ethical treatment and welfare of animals and promote policies and practices that prevent animal cruelty, exploitation, and abuse, including in agriculture, entertainment, and research. By advocating for animal welfare, we uphold our moral responsibility to protect vulnerable beings.

  2. Support Conservation Efforts: Support conservation efforts, wildlife protection, and habitat restoration to safeguard biodiversity, protect endangered species, and preserve ecosystems for future generations. By protecting the environment, we ensure the well-being of all life on Earth.



Meditation has various methods, including the regular daily meditation that ensures that all your thoughts, problems and emotions can find their place. Because everything is in its place, you do not have to worry about it anymore. You can then use that time and energy for other things that can take you further into this life.

As soon as you follow the lifestyle of Terra Joulle you will learn to be emotionless (therefore thoughtless) during meditation. By doing this, you will learn to be one with body, soul and spirit.

It is very important that you think about every thought that comes up in your head. That can be anything for example how you day is going to be or the dream you just had or even happenings from your past that you do not have peace with. These things can be thought out and after a time doing that with every meditation you will become thoughtless. When another thought comes up in your head you just work on that one and your thoughtless again. Our dreams are very important. They bring messages that can prevent situations and also explain situations. Meditation after sleeping is critical to remember what you have dreamed and what it means. To unlock the message you need to unlock the code (the symbolism) in your dreams with meditation.People learned about nightmares or bad trips that is because how you think. It are messages that are not pleasant but necessary. Dreams are also being used for simulations to learn how you react in situations that can accure and train this.